Having accidentaly left my small camera bag at son-who-lives-a-long-way-away's house, there were times when I didn't want to carry my big (heavy) bag around. A quick look at commercially made handbag-type bags revealed that they cost about £100+, so I decided to make my own using a bought bag and fitting the 'innards'. The first bag cost about £10 -

- and the second (smaller) one was one I already had in the house. I used about a metre of fabric for each bag, one inch foam (bought at an upholsterers), plus sew-in velcro. The dividers can be repositoned to suit the size of lenses, filters and other bits and pieces. I love using them as they don't look like camera bags and they have room for purses, mobile phones and so on. I can also remove the whole unit and put it into another bag - and you can't have too many bags!