Playing with a flower and the magic wand - several layers and effects used. The pattern in the border was sampled from the image. The bugs will heave a sigh of relief ....
You never know what's round the corner - we came upon this wildflower field as we were driving along. Not many of them about now. We think the farmer left the edge of this field so they could grow undisturbed. It was an unexpected surprise!
The well-known words of this poem which was written for children (published 1829) ends with the words - Unto an evil counsellor Close heart and ear and eye And take a lesson from this tale Of the spider and the fly.
I thought I would take a few pics with the macro lens and chose a small garden flower (no idea of name, but it was about 4 cm in diameter.) Suddenly through the lens I saw this creature! Almost too small to see with the naked eye. What a fantastic world we live in!