Wednesday 2 September 2009

Over the Tyne part two

Taking photos in the exhibitions wasn't allowed, so I had to content myself with taking a photo of these posts stored in a stair well (photo a bit dark), but they had caught my eye and I rather liked the pattern they made. So it got me thinking about "art" again and "what if ..." What if you put these posts in the middle of a large floor space with a cordon around them and a label on a little wooden stand (or better still stainless steel stand) with the name of the exhibit. Something like, posts 3, or stolen posts or some such label. Nothing too fancy, just rather discreet. would it be "art"?

How about a lighting effect ...

.... or wrapping one of the posts in fabric ... or knitting ..or ....

now I'm getting carried away - nobody would look twice ..... or would they?!

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